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Pre Screen Tool : You will be emailed a survey to fill out prior to your appointment. 

(Please complete thoroughly and honestly prior to booking and appointment)


Registered Massage Therapists are directed under the legislation of the government of British Columbia, as well as the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC) to mitigate risk by creating a critically thought out plan to return to clinical practice. This plan was created with required guidelines approved by both governing bodies and the recommended practice guidelines provided by the Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC (RMTBC). This plan will change and be updated as the requirements provided by these parties change. The overall aim of this plan and resulting protocols is to reduce the risk of exposure to coronavirus and potential coronavirus transmission, for both patients and RMT within our clinical setting.


Good Personal Practices For Everyone: 

·      Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If not able to wash hands, use a hand   sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol can be used. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. 


·      Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. 


·      Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces frequently. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks many times per day and after any human contact.


·      Keep 2 meters or 6 feet apart (social distancing). Remember that some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus. 


·      Be particularly mindful of those who are at the highest risk of getting very sick: those over 65, individuals in a care home or long term care facility, those with underlying medical conditions – particularly if not well controlled, those with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma, those with heart conditions, those who are immunocompromised, those who are severely obese, those with diabetes, those with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis and those with liver disease. 


·      Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer. Throw used tissues in the trash. 



·      Patients understand that a specific COVID-19 screening and waiver of liability form will be required at every appointment. The consent will state that: the patient understands that while registered massage therapists (RMTs) at  Mrus Massage Therapy are following all of the health and safety guidelines outlined by the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, the Provincial Health Officer and Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia, and taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room, there are no guarantees that the patient may not come into contact with COVID-19. The patient also agrees that: the patient believes that the benefits of this massage therapy appointment, outweigh the risk of possible exposure and viral transmission of COVID-19, and will not hold Melanie Mrus or Mrus Massage liable if they contract COVID-19. They consent to treatment and want to go ahead with the treatment despite the risk.​




·      Please do not enter the clinic if they have any of the signs, symptoms, or travel risks associated with COVID-19


·      Immediately upon arrival to the clinic the patient will wash hands using soap and water followed by hand sanitizer before heading to the treatment room. All contact points in the washroom will be cleaned and disinfected after every use.


·      RMT will wash hands often and when required, using soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds each time.



·      Social distancing is not possible in the treatment room. 


·      Hand sanitizer and tissues will be made available in the treatment room for RMT and patient use.


·      At any time, the patient may ask the therapist to sanitize her hands, any object or surface.


      Therapist and patient must wash hands before and after the treatment.


      Patients should bring their own clean face mask. Donning a mask prior to entering the building and continuing to wear the mask for the duration of your stay indoors. 


      Inter-oral and face treatments will not be practiced at this time.


Enhanced Cleaning

·      Visibly soiled surfaces will be cleaned, followed by disinfection.


·      All high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected in between patients, regardless of appearance. This includes chairs, stools, massage table, surface below face cradle, oil bottle, treatment tools, handles, door handles, faucets, electronic device keyboards, phones, point of sale device, desk and shelf surfaces.


·      Cleaning and disinfecting with be done with approved hard-surface disinfectants. All clutter, decorations and items that cannot be washed, wiped, or sanitized will be removed from reception, washroom, and treatment spaces.


·      Linens have always been single use only. They will be laundered professionally in hot soapy water. Blankets and cloth pillows will not be used during treatment until further notice. 


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

·      During treatment, the therapist will wear a mask.


·      Gloves will be worn in the case that the therapist or patient has open injuries or cuts. The patient may also request the RMT wears gloves during their treatment.


·      Patients should bring their own clean mask. If forgotten there are paper masks available at the clinic.


·      Patients may request the RMT enhance either the patients’ PPE or the therapists’ PPE, at any time. Stock on hand will be: gloves, face masks, safety goggles, and apron for therapist. Proper donning and doffing will be used for all requested items.


Professional Obligations

·      All RMTs at Mrus Massage Therapy carry professional liability insurance.  


·      All RMTs at Mrus Massage Therapy follow the health and safety guidelines outlined by the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, the Provincial Health Officer and the Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC. We are taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room.


·      No guarantees have been made by the therapist or Mrus Massage Therapy, that the patient may not come in contact with COVID-19 virus at or during an appointment.​


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